Words of Wisdom:

"Wanting to be someone else is a waste of the person you are" Kurt Cobain" - Iverson

Essays for History

  1. Who Were the Vikings?
    Who were the Vikings?  The definition of a Viking is “one belonging to the pirate crews from among the Northmen, who plundered the coasts of Europe in the eight, ninth...
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  2. Why Did Britain Go to War in 1914?
    In August 1914, most of Europe was convulsed by warfare. Expected to be short, the conflict became a long and bloody “total war...
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  3. Why Did Henry
    Why did henry Vii Break with Rome?-By Jia Kahai 7S?7V Henry Viii was born in 1941 and reined from 1509-1547.He was 17 when he came to the throne and was king...
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  4. Why Did Japan Incade Manchuria
    Why did Japan invade Manchuria? Manchuria invasion was due the Wall Street crash as Japan is isolated and mountainous so it’s dependant for raw materials and food, so Wall...
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  5. Why Did Sewage Recycling Schemes Claim a Great Deal of Attention in Mid-Victorian Britain
    Why did sewage-recycling schemes claim a great deal of attention in mid-Victorian Britain’s towns and cities? There were several factors contributing to the amount of...
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  6. Why Did the Baron Rebel Against King John
    Why did the Barons rebel against King John? In this essay I will clarify why I think the Barons rebelled against King John. First of all what does rebel mean? I...
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  7. Why Did the Barons Rebel Against King John
    Why did the Barons rebel against King John? The Barons could have rebelled for many different causes, but there is usually one trigger cause which completely tipped it...
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  8. Why Did the Barons Rebel Against King John?
    In 1216, the barons rebelled against King John because of many causes, which were: King John's ignorance, the loss of his English Empire and taxes. Some of these causes...
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  9. Why Did the Barons Rebel Against King John.
    Why did the Barons rebel against king John in 1216? In 1216 the Barons of England rebelled against King John, the Barons rebelled for a number of reasons, they include the...
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  10. Why Did the Beothuk People Dissapear?
    Matthew Mohan Student ID # 001145057 Why Did The Beothuk People Disappear? By: Matthew Mohan The Beothuk were the aboriginal inhabitants of Newfoundland when...
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  11. Why Did the English Position in France Collapse During the Reign of Henry Vi?
    Why did the English position in France collapse during the reign of Henry VI? Upon the death of Henry V in 1422, the English were in the strongest position they had been...
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  12. Why Did the Usa Fail in Vietnam
    e Why did the USA fail in Vietnam? There are many reasons as to why the USA failed in Vietnam including; their lack of support from both the US population and...
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  13. Why Did the Welfare State Happen?
    Why did the Welfare State happen in the 1940s? This essay will discuss the beginning of the welfare state, the liberal reforms, the importance of the labour party, and...
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  14. Why Did Trench Warfare Develop on the Western Front and Why Was It so Hard to Break the Deadlock of Trench Warfare?
    During the Great War 1914-1918, much of the fighting was done in the vicinity of trenches; it was attrition warfare where the opposition was slowly worn down to reach victory...
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  15. Why Did U Kill Her
    Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni commonly known as Michelangelo exerted an unparalleled influence on the development of western art. Michelangelo was an Italian...
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  16. Why Did W.W.1 Start in 1914
    Before world war one began in 1914 several events had caused a tension around central Europe. Events including the factors of Imperialism, Nationalism and Militarism. The...
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  17. Why Did War Break Out in 1939?
    War broke out in Europe in 1939 due to many different reasons. The Treaty of Versailles gave all of the blame on Germany for World War I, forcing Germany to pay for all of...
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  18. Why Did War Break Out in 1939
    ? In 1939 the Second World War started. It was led by a very religious man who had high hopes for his country, his name was Adolf Hitler...
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  19. Why Did War Erupt in 1939
    ? By Sidra Kader 91, S3 War erupted in 1939 for a multitude of reasons. There are long-term reason which are the Treaty of Versailles...
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  20. Why Had International Peace Collapsed by 1939?
    After the Great War, the war tension seemed to be decreased, people all over in the Europe hoped there would not be a second war. Nations’ officials were constantly meeting...
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  21. Why Is the Period of Technological Change Known as the Industrial Revolution
    Jiacheng Wu Professor Mr.Peter History112 27 October 2014 Why is the period of technological change known as the Industrial Revolution...
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  22. Why Stalin Launched His Second Revolution
    In this answer I shall be evaluating the evidence, and stating how far I agree or disagree with the view that Stalin launched his...
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  23. Why the Americans Lost the Vietnam War?
    U.S Soldiers • Low morale- in the beginning there were top quality, professional soldiers. By the end of the war they were relying...
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  24. Why War
    .1) Always wear eye protection in the form of goggles, masks, or shooting glasses, or safety glasses. Never remove your eye protection while on the battlefield. Regular...
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  25. Why War Is Hell
    All over the globe and in many religious traditions, Hell is said to be a place of suffering and punishment in the afterlife. Many religions often describe Hell as being...
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