Words of Wisdom:

"Those who stoop to conquer are fools." - Ezslax

Film Studies - Short Essay

  • Date Submitted: 10/24/2012 02:56 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 55.7 
  • Words: 574
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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experienced man, with a lot of age, he knows what he is trying to accomplish by being the best ruler in all of Greece.  

The role and function that I would have to play as an actor at the beginning of the play would be lawmaker, politician and military leader. Creon is all of these things because he needs to set a lot of laws that shall not be broken and to keep Greece a better place altogether, he is also in a form of a politician, he has a dream and a plan for what he wants to achieve and he wont stop until he has got what he wants. “The enemy can never be a friend, even in death” This line shows his authority and shows that he knows what he wants. I would say that when Creon says this line his voice would be demanding and loud to show that he has his purpose and will accomplish it. The pace of which he speaks is very slow and relaxed because he knows what to do and what to say no minority will say other wise. I would also say that his movement through this line would be very strong so when he is speaking he would have strong posture and showing his authority, clinching a fist to show he means what he says.

His physical appearance is crucial to show his authority, he would be an older man, than u would think to rule a country, but he’s not just old he is experienced and what he does, another thing that I would try and achieve by being the actor playing Creon would be my muscular strength this shows to his country and the audience that he is a Huge, muscular and intelligent man that is focused on his mission, ruling his country correctly. I would say that his build would be extraordinary in amazing ways because he is an older man that he to run this huge country, but he body is so strong his muscles and enormous for and older man, this shows his authority through his muscles and his brains and what he’s doing.

When he has certain lines to say and perform correctly, as an actor playing Creon at this part in the play, I would make sure I said all the lines...


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