Words of Wisdom:

"When Hell Will Be Full, Dead Will Walk The Earth" - Londoomyceryc

Pride - 1

  • Date Submitted: 03/01/2013 05:48 AM
  • Flesch-Kincaid Score: 75 
  • Words: 722
  • Essay Grade: no grades
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The truest characters of ignorance are vanity, pride and arrogance. That isn't to say that pride is a bad thing to have, though. Having pride is having self-worth. A person can have pride in the work that they have done, whether it is a professional sculpture or painting hanging in a museum, or an essay they spend days writing for their government class. They can take pride in how much they have improved as a person, or they can personally achieve a set goal for themselves, like playing the guitar or learning how to ride a bike. There is no shame in having pride from being able to accomplish these things. It is when they use more pride than necessary that there is a problem.
There is nothing wrong in having pride for knowing how to ride a bike for example, but there is a problem when that pride is twisted into not just being able to ride a bike. Now they might believe that they are the best bike rider out there. This happens quite often with little children. They learn how to ride their bike, sometimes before all their friends do, and because they learned it first, they think that they know everything about bike riding. They become arrogant and try to show off to their friends how much they can ride and how cool they are because they can ride.
When another person, either a friend or a random stranger shows them up, their blown up pride stops them from accepting that they are no longer the best, instead it brings up anger. They can no longer accept what the situation has turned into. This is usually when bouts of violence occur. The pride that they had eventually becomes vanity, an excess of pride. They had mentally convinced themselves that they were the best, that they were the coolest people around and that no one was cooler than them. When someone finally does top them though, it becomes a huge problem. Vanity doesn't allow anyone to harm their pride, and so negative consequences arise from problems that would never exist if it wasn't for pride....


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